Friday, June 1, 2007

Homework Stuff :P

World political leaders, 1939-1945

Haile Selassie: Emperor of Abyssinia

Mohammed Zahir Shah: King of Afghanistan

Enver Hoxha: Albanian resistance leader
Zog I: King of Albania

Juan Peron: Argentinian officer, coupist, VP, and Minister of War

John Curtin: Prime Minister of Australia
Robert Menzies: Prime Minister of Australia

Leopold III: King of Belgium
Hubert Pierlot: Prime Minister of Belgium
Paul-Henri Spaak: Belgian Foreign Minister

Emil Hacha: President of Bohemia-Moravia

Getulio Vargas: President of Brazil

Boris III: King of Bulgaria
Dobri Bozhilov: Prime Minister of Bulgaria
Bogdan Filov: Prime Minister of Bulgaria
Kimon Georgiev: Prime Minister of Bulgaria

Ba Maw: Burmese nationalist leader

William Mackenzie King: Prime Minister of Canada

Chiang Kai-Shek: Generalissimo of China
Chou En-lai: Chinese resistance leader
Ho Ying Chin: Chinese Minister of War
Mao Tse-tung: Chinese resistance leader
Henry Pu-Yi: Emperor of Manchukuo
T. V. Soong: Chinese Foreign Minister
Prince Teh Wang: Chairman of Mengkiang
Wang Ching-Wei: President of Japanese-sponsored Nanking government

Anton Pavelic: Poglavnik of Croatia

Fulgencio Batista: President of Cuba

Eduard Benes: President of Czechoslovakia

Christian X: King of Denmark
Erik Scavenius: Prime Minister of Denmark
Thorvald Stauning: Prime Minister of Denmark

Dominican Republic
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo: President of the Dominican Republic

Farouk I: King of Egypt

Konstantin Pats: President of Estonia

A. K. Cajander: Prime Minister of Finland
Kijosti Kallio: President of Finland
Carl Gustaf Emil von Mannerheim: Finnish President and Commander-in-Chief
J. Rangell: Prime Minister of Finland
Risto Ryti: Prime Minister and President of Finland

Georges Bonnet: French Foreign Minister
Edouard Daladier: Premier of France
Jean Darlan: French Admiral and Premier
Charles de Gaulle: Free French leader
Pierre Laval: Premier of France
Philippe Petain: President of France
Paul Reynaud: Premier of France

Martin Bormann: Secretary to the Fuehrer of Germany
Wilhelm Frick: German Minister of the Interior
Joseph Goebbels: German Minister of Propaganda
Hermann Goering: German Air Minister, Reichstag President, Commissioner of the Four Year Plan
Rudolf Hess: Deputy Fuehrer of Germany
Heinrich Himmler: Chief of the German SS
Adolf Hitler: German Fuehrer
Joachim von Ribbentrop: German Foreign Minister
Albert Speer: German Minister of Armaments

Damaskinos: Archbishop and Regent of Greece
George II: King of Greece
Ioannis Metaxas: Prime Minister of Greece
George Papandreou: Prime Minister of Greece
Aris Velouchiotis: Greek resistance leader
Napoleon Zervas: Greek resistance leader

Laszlo Bardossy: Prime Minister of Hungary
Miklos Horthy: Hungarian Regent and Commander-in-Chief
Miklos Kallay: Prime Minister of Hungary
Bela Miklos: Prime Minister of Hungary
Ferenc Szalasi: Prime Minister of Hungary
Count Pal Teleki: Prime Minister of Hungary

Sveinn Bjornsson: President of Iceland

Subhas Chandra Bose: Indian nationalist leader and head of INA
Mohandas K. Gandhi: Indian nationalist leader
Lord Linlithgow: Viceroy of India

Bao Dai: Emperor of Annam
Jean Decoux: Governor-General of French Indo-China
Ho Chi Minh: Vietnamese nationalist leader
Norodom Sihanouk II: Prince of Cambodia
Sisavang Vong: King of Laos

Achmad Sukarno: Indonesian (NEI) nationalist leader

Nuri as-Sa'id: Prime Minister of Iraq
Rashid Ali al Gailani: Prime Minister of Iraq

Eamon De Valera: Prime Minister of Ireland

Pietro Badoglio: Head of the Italian government
Italo Balbo: Minister of Air and Governor of Libya
Galeazzo Ciano: Italian Foreign Minister
Emilio De Bono: Member of the Italian Grand Council
Dino Grandi: Member of the Italian Grand Council
Benito Mussolini: Italian Duce
Victor Emmanuel III: King of Italy

Korechika Anami: Japanese Army Minister
Hirohito: Emperor of Japan
Koichi Kido: Japanese Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal
Fumimaro Konoye: Prime Minister of Japan
Yosuke Matsuoka: Japanese Foreign Minister
Kantaro Suzuki: Prime Minister of Japan
Shigenori Togo: Japanese Foreign Minister
Hideki Tojo: Prime Minister of Japan
Mitsumasa Yonai: Japanese Navy Minister

Karlis Ulmanis: Premier of Latvia

Antanas Smetona: President of Lithuania

Charlotte: Grand Duchess of Luxembourg

Manuel Avila Camacho: President of Mexico

Muhammad V: Sultan of Morocco

Dirk Jan De Geer: Prime Minister of the Netherlands
Pieter Gerbrandy: Prime Minister of the Netherlands
Wilhelmina: Queen of the Netherlands

New Zealand
Peter Fraser: Prime Minister of New Zealand

Anastasio Somoza: President of Nicaragua

Haakon VII: King of Norway
Johan Nygaardsvold: Prime Minister of Norway
Vidkun Quisling: Norwegian collaborationist Minister-President

Haj Amin al Hussaini: Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
David Ben-Gurion: President of the Palestine Jewish Agency

Reza Pahlavi: Shah of Persia
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi: Shah of Persia

Jose P. Laurel: President of Japanese-sponsored regime in the Philippines
Sergio Osmena: President of the Philippines
Manuel Quezon: President of the Philippines

Jozef Beck: Polish Foreign Minister
Ignacy Moscicki: President of Poland
Edward Osobka-Morawski: Premier of the Provisional Government of Poland
Wladwslaw Sikorski: Prime Minister of Polish Government-in-Exile
Edward Smigly-Rydz: Polish ruler and Commander-in-Chief

Antonio de Oliveira Salazar: Prime Minister of Portugal

Ion Antonescu: Premier of Rumania
Carol II: King of Rumania
Grigore Gafencu: Rumanian Foreign Minister
Petru Groza: Prime Minister of Rumania
Mihai I: King of Rumania

Saudi Arabia
Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud: King of Saudi Arabia

Milan Nedic: President of German-occupied Serbia

Phibul Songgram: Siamese Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief

Father Josef Tiso: President of Slovakia

South Africa
Jan Smuts: Prime Minister of South Africa

Francisco Franco: Spanish Caudillo
Ramon Serrano Suner: Spanish Foreign Minister

Gustaf V: King of Sweden
Per Albin Hansson: Prime Minister of Sweden

Henri Guisan: Swiss Commander-in-Chief

Abdullah: Amir of Transjordan

Ismet Inonu: President of Turkey
Sukru Saracoglu: Turkish Foreign Minister

Clement Atlee: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Lord Beaverbrook: British Minister of Production
Neville Chamberlain: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Winston Churchill: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Anthony Eden: British Foreign Secretary
George VI: King of England
Lord Halifax: British Foreign Secretary
Leslie Hore-Belisha: British Secretary of State for War

Stepan Bandera: Ukrainian nationalist leader
Andrii Melnyk: Ukrainian nationalist leader

James F. Byrnes: US Secretary of State
James V. Forrestal: US Secretary of the Navy
Cordell Hull: US Secretary of State
W. Franklin Knox: US Secretary of the Navy
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: President of the United States
Edward Stettinius: US Secretary of State
Henry Stimson: US Secretary of War
Harry Truman: President of the United States

Lavrentiy Beria: Chief of the Soviet NKVD
Nikolai Kuznetsov: Soviet Commissar of the Navy
Vyacheslav Molotov: Soviet Foreign Minister
Josef Stalin: Chairman of the Committee of Defense of the USSR
Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko: Soviet Commissar of Defense
Kliment Voroshilov: Soviet Commissar of Defense

Pius XII: Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

Dragoliub Mihailovic: Yugoslav resistance leader
Paul: Prince and Regent of Yugoslavia
Peter II: King of Yugoslavia
Josip Broz Tito: Yugoslav resistance leader

I got this info on:

If you want to find more info on ungulates, prosimians and monotremes, you can visit these websites, they have a big list of names, most that i've never heard of before!
Monotremes (and mammals):

If you want to find out about "Occam's Razor", then visit this website!
Occam's Razor:

Hope you enjoy your futher learning!
I chose the Innocent Penguin picture again because I really like it! It has a chainsaw!


Anthony said...

In WWII Rudolf Hess flew to Britain and asked if they wanted to share the world with Germany or something. They locked him up I think lol

primprim said...

that is really sad. and random.
sharing is good, i think.

Miss Candy said...

please, please, please comment comment comment prim, there's a poem dedicated for you!!!!!!!!!!! and im copying of your homework!!!!!

MrWoody said...

great work, Primpy. do you understand what occam's razor means?

primprim said...

ms candy, there is no right to copy!anyway, you were supposed to of finished that last week! you wouldn't need to copy if you already finished it,
or have you..?

primprim said...

i heard about Occam's Razor on a documentary.
although i don't remember very well!
i think it is something to dowith physics and ideas.
say, you wanted to figure somthing out, you'd pick one idea at first. if that idea doesn't work, you switch to another one!
i'm not sure if it's right, probably not!

Kitty Kat said...

Oh thats where I got my info from!
Nice jobby wooby pimmiy wimmiy!

IM A ROOM5IAN said...

oh! can i do a post on occam's razor? thats really cool info pim:P
hehe! great job!
you need word verification

primprim said...

oops! yea i'll remember!

Kitty Kat said...

er, yea!!!
I love the blog...I've been doing rounds to all the people who have commented on the latest post.
I really enjoy your blog and posts.
I just wish there could be endless amounts of them!
How I love our class...
Happy Blogging!

IM A ROOM5IAN said...

so do i kitty kat, so do i...

Anthony said...

Occams Razor is that when you have two competing theories, the simplest is the best. ;)

Anthony said...

Here have some Mad Props :D

primprim said...

kittykat and i have started a club called H.A.N.D.S.
it is about animals and is linked to the SPCA fundraiser etc.
the url is:
if you REALLY want to be a member, then please visit!

Miss Candy said...

please comment, sorry and i shall go to your new blog, i know youre on now thats why im bugging you, go to the poetry blog please, and before 5:30 please, sorry sorry sorry